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My journey with dance began in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania at the age of 3, when health complications kept me from activities involving large groups of other children. I was enrolled into a small dance class with a local studio. It all took off from there. Like most little girls, I then dreamed of being a ballerina. 

That small dream became my whole world. It was all I wanted. I began pursuing a professional ballet career with everything I had. However, as I moved up to bigger and better studios, I started traveling down some unhealthy paths. Those decisions lead me to a breaking point. 

I "quit" dance. In that case it meant me going from pre-professional training 3 hours  per day 6 days per week, plus rehearsals and performances, to dancing once per week on a recreational basis. 

That was a year of recovery for me. From there I went back into the pre-professional ballet world, this time in Jackson, Mississippi, with a level head on my shoulders. Something shifted throughout those years, though. My love for contemporary dance began to outgrow my desire for professional ballet. 

I found myself moving to Houston, Texas and performing with a modern dance company. This transition of moving away from all of my family and beginning my own independent life revealed that I needed a lot of growth, change, and healing. 

I took yet another year off of dance with the intention of quitting, but through the persistence of loving friends I began performing as a freelance artist. I regained my health and my passion and started to create my own works as well. 

That brings me to today, where I am now. Inspired and ready to continue this journey. 

Thanks for coming along for the ride!

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